
AR Acadian Recorder, Halifax, NS, 1813

BA2 British American Navigator: A sailing directory for the Island and Banks of Newfoundland etc. 2nd Edition 1847

BC British Colonist,Halifax, NS, 1848

CBNews Cape Breton News, Sydney, NS, 1850

CH Colonial Herald, Charlottetown, PEI, 1838

CIS Canadian Ice Service, data set of Canadian Ice Distribution Survey on Index Cards available on Compact Disc

CSS Canadian Signal Service

DN Daily News, St. John’s, Nfld., 1894

Ex Examiner, Charlottetown, PEI, 1847

HB Hydrographic Bulletin, U.S. Hydrographic Office, Government Documents, Record Group 289, Sn.Docs.N6.2, U.S. National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD

HDR&T Halifax Evening Reporter and Daily Times, Halifax, NS, 1864

HER Halifax Evening Reporter, Halifax, NS, 1868

HG Hazards Gazette, Charlottetown, PEI, 1853

HH Halifax Herald, Halifax, NS, 1892

HR Rodman, H. Report of ice and ice movements in the North Atlantic Ocean. U.S. Hydrographic Office Publ. #93, 26p., 1890

IIP International Ice Patrol (Page or report numbers refer to the annual Bulletin for that year)

Fgmm Frank Galgay & Michael McCarthy. Shipwrecks of Newfoundland and Labrador, Vol 1. Harry Cuff, St. John’s, Nfld, 1987.

GR Robinson, George. A report on the movements of the ice, currents and tidal streams of the coast of Newfoundland and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Hydrographic Office, London, 1889.

GuGuardian, Charlottetown, PEI, 1890

JH J. Hennessy, Marine Observer, Vol. 9, 1932, pp 76-80

JH1 J. Hennessy, Marine Observer, Vol. 12, 1934, pp 71-73

LL Lloyd’s List, London, 1741

MC Morning Chronicle, Quebec, Quebec, 1847

MH Morning Herald, Halifax, NS, 1875

MPSG Morning Post and Shipping Gazette, St. John’s, Nfld., 1843

MWR Monthly Weather Review. United States War Office, 1872

Newf Newfoundlander. St. John’s, Nfld., 1827.

NS Nova Scotian, Halifax, NS, 1824

NSC Nova Scotia Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser, Halifax, NS, 1769

NSRG Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Halifax. NS, 1800

NW Winsor, Naboth. Stalwart Men and Strong Ships. Economy Printing Ltd., Gander, Nfld., 1985.

NYMR New York Maritime Register, New York, 1869

NYT New York Times, New York, 1857

Pat Patriot, Charlottetown, PEI, 1867

PCNAO Pilot Chart of the North Atlantic, U.S. Hydrographic Office, Records of the Hydrographic Office, Record Group 37, U.S. National Archives at College Park, College Park, MD

PEI Prince Edward Islander, Charlottetown, PEI, 1842

PEIG Prince Edward Island Gazette, Charlottetown, PEI, 1814

PEIR Prince Edward Island Register, Charlottetown, PEI, 1823

PL Public Ledger and Newfoundland General Advertiser, St. John’s, Nfld., 1823.

PR Polar Record, Vol. 19, No 121, 1979, p 343-362. Shipping Losses caused by ice, 1890 – 1977.

QC Quebec Gazette, Quebec, Quebec, 1764

QM Quebec Mercury, Quebec, Quebec, 1805

RG Royal Gazette and Newfoundland Advertiser. St. John’s, Nfld., 1807

RG.C Royal Gazette, Charlottetown, PEI, 1791

RGM Royal Gazette & Miscellany, Charlottetown, PEI, 1791

RG12 National Archives of Canada, Record Group 42, Transport, Vol. 3000, File 8962-1 – 8962-2

RG42 National Archives of Canada, Record Group 42, Marine Branch, Series C-1, Vols. 371-372, File 22-4-0

RH Royal Herald, Charlottetown, PEI, 1805

SCL Shipping and Commercial List, New York, 1815

SR Ryan, Shannon. Seals and sealers: a pictorial history of the Newfoundland seal fishery. Breakwater Books, St. John’s, 1987.

TWS The Western Star, Curling (Corner Brook), Nfld. 1900

WBB Bailey, W.B., Lauzier, L.M. Incidence of Ice and Icebergs in the entrance to the Gulf of St. Lawrence and along the South Coast of NF. Manuscript Reports of the Biological Stations No. 614. Fisheries Research Board of Canada

WCR W.C. Redfield. Ice in the North Atlantic. Memoir of the dangers and ice of the North Atlantic Ocean. Dept. of Navy, p. 12-19, Washington, D.C., 1868

WR Weekly Recorder, Charlottetown, PEI, 1810

#548 Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador Manuscript Number MG548 R.M.S. “Nerissa”, Red Cross Line. Deck log of voyages, etc., St. John’s Newfoundland, Halifax Nova Scotia, and New York, January – August 1928.

#575 Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador Manuscript Number MG575, Allan Line. Logbook, sailing voyages between Scotland and Quebec, 1829 -1847.

#805 Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador Manuscript Number MG805 S.S. “Imogene”. Log book, sealing voyages, March 8 – June 9, 1930; March – April 24, 1931.